2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Psalms 122 GW; Nehemiah 3 GW; Acts 17 GW
Prayer brings peace.
When life throws me a curveball, prayer brings me peace. While writing this devotional, Ron is beginning a long day of driving for work. Days of travel for my husband are anxiety-ridden for me. PTSD from my days on the road conjures all kinds of images in my head, none of them pleasant.
Acknowledging my fears and anxieties, seeking God in prayer, having others pray for me brings me God’s peace. God is in control, not the devil; one thing is for sure, Satan always loses.
Whatever anxiety you are feeling for your loved ones, take it to God in prayer. Ask God to clear the path for your family and friends, allowing for smooth journeys. Seeking God’s divine intervention for your loved ones does bring His heavenly peace.
Calm, not Anxious.
“Calm, not Anxious” is my three-word prayer for days like today. Simple, easy to remember, and practical, the mantra from “Three Word Prayers for Everyday Living” helps me quickly refocus on God. In all things, God is sovereign; He knows what the day holds. God doesn’t want me anxious; He wants me to trust Him.
Connecting with God allows me to give Him my burdens. God reminds me, He loves Ron more than I ever could. I struggle to understand how God could love Ron more than me, but He does. As God calms my spirit, I’m able to trust Him, knowing God is always with me, no matter what.
God is with you. He understands your anxieties for your loved ones. God doesn’t want you to worry; He wants you to pray. Give Him your fears, ask God to take care of your loved ones. Trust God to take care of those most precious to you. Ask God to “Make it go well” for them, then allow His peace to flood your spirit.

Lord, thank You for calming our anxious hearts. Forgive us for thinking we know better than You. As we move through our day, let Your peace reign in our Spirit. Quickly answer when we pray, “Calm, not Anxious.” Protect our loved ones, make it go well for them. All glory is Yours. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Who do you need to give to God today?