2 minute read.
Daily Reading: Ezra 3-5 GW; Haggai 1-2 GW
Carefully consider your ways.
Haggai, the prophet, is beginning a series of fiery messages for the Israelites. God’s temple lies in ruins while people focus on their own homes. Originally, restoring God’s house was the top priority, but everyday personal issues got in the way. Instead of working on God’s home, they put their needs before His. As a result, Haggai is about to call them to the task.
In reality, the Israelites are kidding themselves about their priorities. Even though they started the temple, they didn’t finish it. Whatever seeds they planted withered away from neglect. Nothing satisfies them; food, drink, clothing, money all fall short of God’s presence in their lives. Like the Jews, we get caught up chasing after the material things of this world instead of focusing on God.
The worst part of our self-absorption, we’re not honest about it.
If people were honest with themselves, they would admit, a lot of problems in life come from their creation. No one else forces us to do the things we do. We can try and blame God, but overspending isn’t God’s fault. Not having gratitude for our food and clothing isn’t God’s problem; it’s ours.
Choose honesty.
“For 24 years of my adult life, by choice,ourI weighed well over 200 pounds. I say ‘by choice’ because I have never ‘accidentally’ eaten anything, so when I choose to eat too much, I have chosen to weigh too much.” Zig Ziglar
What we do in our daily lives happens one decision at a time. If we’re lying to ourselves, the truth will reveal itself in our actions and words. Whether we weigh 200 pounds or have finances out of control, those things happen because of our choices. God didn’t do those things to us; we did them to ourselves.
Become self-honest. Consider your ways. Look at your actions through God’s lens. Let God’s truth reveal the lies you believe. Build God’s house; let God build yours.

Lord, thank You for reminding us of our selfish ways. Forgive us for not considering our actions. Help us today do an honest evaluation of our life. Show us the areas we need to work on in the days ahead. Help us become more like Jesus as we focus our attention on you. Let us stay on task today for You. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What do you need to take responsibility for in your life today?