2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Psalms 138 GW; 2 Chronicles 13-15 GW; 2 Thessalonians 1 GW
Growing faith breeds love.
Paul is writing to the Thessalonians. He’s bragging on them because they are persevering in the faith; their love for each other increases as they grow. Grasping God’s love for us happens as our faith grows. Each day we seek Him, God’s love always meets us.
Faith means “complete trust or confidence in someone or something.” Placing your faith in God means trusting He does love you completely. God knows everything about you, and He still adores you. The more thoroughly you trust God, the better lover you will become of others. You can’t help yourself; experiencing the freedom that comes with unconditional love makes you want to share it with others.
God loves completely.
Because God can love us completely, we can love others. When people discover something that changes their world, they want to share it with everyone they meet. When I first started WW years ago, I was annoying. All I talked about was food, points, and how to lose weight. Why? Because I wanted everyone to experience what I was experiencing as my body became healthier.
When we realize the extent of God’s love for us, we want others to know too. The best way for people to know about God’s love for them is by showing them. Becoming God’s hands and feet to the world means loving the people God places before you.
Start with those in your home, become a better lover to them by imitating Jesus. Spread the love to those at your work or volunteer jobs. When you see a stranger in need, help them. All of these practices will make you become a better lover.
Let your faith grow. Experience God’s unconditional love in your life. Share what you receive with the world around you. People will notice the change. You will become a better lover of people.

Lord, thank You for Your unconditional love that never ends. Forgive us for thinking we aren’t worthy of the love you offer. Open our hearts today to receive Your love. Help us trust You entirely as we go about our day. Whoever You place before us, don’t let us miss the opportunity to love them. Help us become better lovers today. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Who do you struggle to love?