2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Chronicles 21 GW; Luke 19 GW
Better view, better interaction.
Zaccheus was too short to see Jesus over the crowds. Living in a world that didn’t include drones, his options were limited. To get a better view, he ran ahead and climbed a tree. From Zaccheus’s vantage point, he could see Jesus. And Jesus noticed.
When Jesus approached the tree, He looked up and said:
“Zaccheus, come down! I must stay at your house today.” (Luke 19:5 GW)
Jesus noticed Zaccheus’s efforts to see him. He also notices yours. When you make an effort to seek Jesus better by expanding your vision, God notices. God sees everything. Every action you make to see Jesus more clearly is recognized. And just like Zaccheus, Jesus will meet you right where you are.
Make every effort to see Jesus.
Zaccheus heard about Jesus and wanted to know more about him. Whatever stories he listened to piqued his interest enough to go the extra mile to learn more about Jesus. Climbing a tree was worth the effort when Jesus invited himself over for dinner. Any scrapes and bruises Zaccheus experienced climbing up and down the tree were worth it.
Seeking Jesus might cause some bruises. You may have to scrape your way through difficult situations to get a better view. When we pass through storms, they will draw us closer to Jesus and give us a vision we couldn’t have any other way.
One way you can learn more about Jesus requires little effort. Schedule time in your day to read the Bible. You don’t have to climb trees; just open God’s word. Spending 10-15 minutes of your day in the Scriptures will draw you closer to Jesus in ways you can’t imagine until you do it.
Jesus will notice your efforts. You will draw closer to Him. Jesus wants to come to dinner. Open the door and let Him into your home.

Lord, thank You for introducing us to Zacheus and his persistency. Forgive us the times we’ve given up seeking Jesus because the climb was too hard. Help us today go the extra effort. As we open Your word and read it, draw closer to us. Give us insight into Your message. Help us open the door for Jesus. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How can you make time for Jesus today?