2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Ecclesiastes 9-12 GW; Malachi 1-2 GW
God is the answer.
Solomon is the author of Ecclesiastes. At this point in his life, he’s lived a little and learned some things. He writes this book from an entirely human perspective and finds life lacking.
“Power, popularity, prestige, pleasure—nothing can fill the God-shaped vacuum in man’s life but God Himself.” Charles Stanley
After living his life, Solomon discovers this truth: life isn’t about me, it’s about God. Serving ourselves isn’t our reason for living. God created us to love Him and love others. Our purpose today is the same as tomorrow, we are to love.
“The key word in Ecclesiastes is “vanity,” the emptiness of trying to be happy apart from God.” Charles Stanley
None of us will find peace any other way than God. New shoes don’t bring peace, just debt. Nor does any of the meaningless things we chase in this world. Only engaging in relationship with God will we find peace. As we experience His calm, we’ll begin to spread it with others. Life with God is about relationships, not things.
Say “Yes!”
Last week, I told my friend Lori about one of those “can’t make it up situations” in life. Her response still makes me smile, “God puts you in some crazy places, doesn’t He?” I responded, “Yeah…He really does. I don’t even know how I get into these things. Actually, I do…by saying “Yes” to God.”
Saying “Yes” to God will take you into some crazy situations. But all of them are life-giving, every single one. Living your life serving the Creator means an adventure you can’t even begin to imagine. Developing a relationship with God gives you divine perspective. Life isn’t about you; it’s about God. In Him, you will find the peace you can find no other way.

Oh Lord, how grateful we are you fill the void we so desperately need filling. Forgive us for trying to find peace any other way than You. Help us today move forward in our relationship with You and others. As You pour Your love into our lives, help us to receive it. Then Lord, help us share what we receive with others. Today and always, let us produce good fruit in all we do. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
How have you tried to fill the void in your life?