2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 2 Samuel 22 GW; Psalms 144 GW; 1 Corinthians 2 GW
God’s splendor is beyond our comprehension.
While visiting friends, we were sitting by the water, listening to the waves gently roll against the shoreline. A warm breeze coupled with the afternoon sun refreshed us. One of those perfect moments on earth. With awe, I said, “And heaven is better than this.”
Our minds can’t fathom what God has in store for us. Our best moments on earth are nothing compared to heaven. Jesus is preparing a place for each of us:
“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” (John 14:3 NIV)
Life on earth is temporary. Even though your current circumstances seem like they will never end, the truth is, they will. Nothing lasts forever on earth; God is preparing a place for you in eternity. When this world is beating you down, remember, “This too shall pass.”
Trust in Jesus.
Believing in Jesus means trusting what He says. If Jesus says He’s going to prepare a place for you, He is. We can’t imagine the splendors of heaven from this side of it. One day, we’ll all find out the wonders of eternity. But until then, we must simply trust. God has a plan for you, in this life and the next. Our minds can’t comprehend the beauty God is preparing for us.
Take heart today, knowing God has a plan for you. He’s preparing a place for you far beyond your imagination. The trials of this day will fall away, but God’s love for you never will. Whatever your wildest dreams are about eternity, God’s reality is even better.

Lord, thank You for preparing a way for us. Praise Jesus for His sacrifice on our behalf. Forgive us Lord for doubting. Help us trust You today. As we face the obstacles in the day ahead, don’t let us become discouraged. Instead, let us cling to Your promises. Help us remember, this world is temporary. The problems of today will fade away, but life with You never will. Each day, help us become more like Christ. Let our faith shine to the world around us, drawing others to You. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
When have you had a perfect moment lately?