2 minute read.

Daily Reading: 1 Samuel 15-16 GW; Titus 3 GW
God requires courtesy.
Following Jesus means treating people with respect. God accepts people as they are; we are to do the same. People don’t feel love if you’re cursing or quarreling with them. But others will feel cared for if you listen to their ideas and respond in kindness.
My pastor’s family has a rule I’ve adopted into my life. Be medium. Don’t consider yourself better or worse than others, be medium. In other words, we’re all equal; God loves us all equally. No matter what color our skin, we all bleed red. My mom always said, “If you turn people inside out, we all look the same.”
Everyone you meet is a child of God. Whether or not they choose to follow Him is their decision, but we are to love as Christ-followers.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16 KJV)
“World” means everyone.
God made no exceptions when it comes to loving people. Everyone includes every single person you meet today; God wants you to show them kindness. Jesus treated people courteously. He listened to what they said; He sympathized with their problems. Jesus healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, and hope to the hopeless. We have the opportunity to do the same today.
As you move through the next 24 hours, look for opportunities to love. Take time to listen to people. Don’t assume you know what they’re thinking. No two people on earth think precisely the same way. Give people a chance to talk. Meet their needs if possible. Lift them in prayer. Encourage them. Kindness is free. Show love every chance you get.

Lord, thank You for the reminder of how we are to treat people. Forgive us for thinking of ourselves either better or worse than others. Help us love people equally. Today, as we move through the world, don’t let us miss an opportunity to share kindness. Quicken our Spirits to do Your will. Let us respond to the promptings You give us to love others. Don’t let us fall for the devil’s tricks. In all things, let people know us for our love. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Who can you show kindness to today?