2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Deuteronomy 15-16 GW; Proverbs 6 GW
God commands us to cancel debts.
Today’s scripture is talking about the “Seventh-Year Celebration,” when “suspending payments on debts has been proclaimed in the Lord’s honor” (Deuteronomy 15:2 GW). American’s total household debt in 2020 was 14.35 trillion dollars. Our country has just under 10 billion dollars in car and credit card debt. Don’t you wish more people followed God? If they did, none of that debt would exist after seven years. Unfortunately, more people worship at the altar of consumerism than they do God.
Looking at this scripture from a relational perspective, we can learn a valuable lesson. Don’t hold onto the grudge. I have one person in my life that has spent decades alone and isolated because she won’t let go of resentment. In her heart, an offense occurred that is unforgivable. Unfortunately, the only one paying for the crime is my friend. She’s the one that can’t let it go and can’t move forward. My prayer is the same for her, as for all of us, let it go so you can live.
Forgiveness frees you.
Forgiveness is a conscious decision to let it go. You are not going to spend any more time thinking or worrying about this offense. If you have credit card debt, you think about the payment. Each month you have to put time and energy into deciding how you will pay the bill. But forgive the debt and, you feel the weight of it lift from you. Now you have more time, energy, and money to spend on something else.
When you decide to forgive, you will experience the same thing. You may have to make the decision more than once. Forgiveness isn’t necessarily easy; it takes work. But letting your offender off the hook frees you, not them. God will handle the justice while you are free to live.

God, thank You for Your commands. Forgive us for how far away we have come from obeying them. Instead, help us learn to let our debts and offenses go. Help us to forgive completely, not just in part. Allow us to feel the freedom that comes from releasing our trespasses against us. Let us live today in Your peace. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
What debt haven’t you forgiven?