2 minute read.

Daily Reading: Leviticus 8-10 GW; 2 Corinthians 10 GW
God’s weapons destroy people’s defenses.
But what are God’s weapons? Paul, the author of this letter, is trying to communicate “with the gentleness and kindness of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:1 GW). As believer’s we have Christ’s Spirit within us; we are to bear His fruit:
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23 NIV)
Showering people with the love of Jesus breaks down their defenses. As you begin to build a relationship with them based on truth, slowly, the walls will come down. But not overnight; deeply hurting people take time to trust others. A lot of the pain we experience in life comes from the people we know and love. Stranger’s actions towards us typically don’t hurt as much as a friend’s betrayal. Each time someone causes us pain, more layers form.
Jesus wants to help, not hurt.
Jesus doesn’t want us to add more layers to people’s pain. He wants us to love them just as they are. Each of our journey’s in life are different. We are to help people keep moving forward in their faith. Letting God’s Spirit lead us means putting love into action. All of the fruits of the spirit are rooted in love. Against love, no law exists.
Whatever attacks come your way today, respond in love. Let God’s Spirit lead you. Watch as you begin to bear its fruit.

Lord, how grateful we are for Your weapons. Forgive us for not using them more. Help us to learn to love better today. Give us joy and peace to share with the world. Let patience and kindness pour from us. Help us share Your goodness and faithfulness with others. Let gentleness and self-control rule in our lives. For the hardened hearts we meet today, let Your spirit in us soften them. As we give You the glory, may the good news of Christ spread to all. IJNIP. Amen
Question for reflection
Whose defenses in your life need more of Christ’s love?