“I am under vows to you, my God; I will present my thank offerings to you.” (Psalm 56:12 NIV)
Thank offerings keep your focus on God.
When we offer thanks to God, we remind ourselves who our Provider is of everything we have. They also remind us, what we have today, we may not have tomorrow. For me, thanking God is an easy way to share Him with others. When I thank God for my life in front of others, His light shines. Thank offerings help us through difficult times. When we focus on what we do have, God, hope is sprung.
Thankfulness, as a way of life, helps you keep stride with God. “Thank God” is a phrase you will hear me use often. Good days, bad days, in-between days, I always try to find something to thank God for each day. Without a doubt, some days are harder than others. One thing we can consistently thank God for is the people He gives us in our lives. The people who are there for us on all types of days. The ones who make us laugh, hold us when we cry, and pick us up when we fall. God sends people into our lives whose task is to fulfill those roles. Over my lifetime, many angels have come beside me at the right time.
Thank offerings bring awareness.
One of the problems of our fast-paced world, we overlook our blessings. We don’t give thank offerings because we don’t think we have anything to thank God for in our lives. But that statement is a lie. We all have something to thank God for in life; we just have to look for it.
One of my young friends is having her twelfth surgery the week of this writing. She hasn’t celebrated her 22nd birthday yet. When I was talking to her mother about the current situation, she was praising God. She thanked Him for health insurance, which allowed her daughter to get care. She thanked him for the doctors who finally took their call. She thanked Him for friends who keep showing up, time, and time again. I have walked with this family through the past five-plus years of this journey. In every step, my friend has found reason to thank God. Her thankfulness has made her aware of God’s presence in every moment. She notices the people who are helping them through these difficult times.
The benefits of thank offerings are many. They bring hope into a dark world. They encourage downtrodden souls. But most of all, they keep our eyes on Jesus. When we make Him our focus, He doesn’t disappoint. He leads us through the darkest days. He provides for us in our needs. In Him, we find our hope.
Question of the Day:
What can you thank God for today?
Further Reading: Isaiah 10:1-11:16 NIV, 2 Corinthians 12:11-21 NIV, Psalm 56 NIV, Proverbs 23:6-8 NIV