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“She is a tree of life to those who embrace her, and those who hold on to her are happy.”  Proverbs 3:18 CSB

Chokmah is the type of wisdom we’re talking about today.  Defined it is “God’s gracious creation…God alone knows where wisdom dwells and where it originates.”  It goes on to say “for humans, the beginning of wisdom is to properly fear and reverence God.” I love how Merriam Webster of 1828 defines wisdom: it is the exercise of sound judgment either in avoiding evils or attempting good.

In a nutshell, wisdom comes from God and is avoiding evils or attempting good.  We find it when we fear and reverence God. In other words, when we put God first.  Put God first in your life and you will find wisdom. I find wisdom every morning when I read His word.  Like today’s verse, it jumped off the pages at me when I read it this morning. I so desperately want those who embrace me to find life, and for those who hold onto me to be happy BECAUSE I have found wisdom in the Lord.  Not because of me, because of Him.

Solomon found wisdom because he asked for it.  When he became king after his father David, God told him he could have anything he wanted.  He wanted an “understanding heart” to lead his people (1 Kings 3:9 NLT). God was so pleased that he didn’t ask for wealth, long life or death of his enemies, He gave it all to him: wisdom, wealth, long life and death of his enemies (1 Kings 3:3:10-14 NLT).  I pray for wisdom daily, “Lord give me wisdom and discernment, blessing and favor, guidance and direction” is my daily mantra. You can too. There’s no limit.

Wisdom comes from the Lord.  It is His to give as He chooses.  But if we don’t ask, we’ll never receive.  Wisdom from God helps us to see things from His viewpoint. It gives us a new set of eyes on an old circumstance.  It opens up our vision to see past our own lives and into the lives of others. It helps us avoid evil because we’ll see the doors God has closed; we’ll have wisdom to not try to open them.  As we attempt to do good, God will show us the way, opening the doors for us to pass through. With all my heart, I pray you find wisdom as you put God first in your life and let Him show you the way.

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