God’s Cover

One-minute read.

He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings, you will find REFUGE.

Psalm 91:4a

Life throws things at us we didn’t ask for or want. When the unexpected happens, we can take refuge under the wings of our loving Heavenly Father, who protects us. The Lord doesn’t promise us that bad things won’t happen but that He will protect us when they do.

I am grieving the loss of a dear child in my life; she died unexpectedly. In the grip of heartache, tears fell from my eyes as I mourned her. Knowing Jesus holds her in His arms comforts me, but her family and friends miss her presence on Earth. God meets us in our darkest hours. Amid my tears, I felt the Lord’s presence as He collected them, putting them in the bottle marked Beth.

“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” Psalm 56:8

No tear goes unnoticed by the Lord; He weeps with us when we weep. Covering us with His wings, God shelters us in the storm, giving us refuge from the unexpected heartaches we experience in this world. One day, we will reunite with our heavenly Father and those who have gone before us. But until then, we can take shelter beneath the wings of the Creator. Seek refuge in the Lord, and you will find it.


God covers us with His wings.


Lord, thank You for covering us with Your wings and giving us refuge from the world’s heartache. Let us seek You in our grief, finding comfort in Your arms. Bless us with Your peace that surpasses all understanding.


Divine Deliverance

One-minute read.

For he will deliver you from the snare of the Fowler and from the deadly pestilence.

Psalm 91:3

God’s faithfulness and tender care protect us from the devil’s traps.  Convincing people he doesn’t exist makes the enemy’s efforts easier.  Our world struggles with believing that both the Lord and Satan exist and that spiritual warfare wages around us.  Not believing gives the devil a foothold in people’s lives and leads them astray.

“And give no opportunity to the devil.” Ephesians 4:27

Paul tells us not to give the enemy an inch.  For example, during my last hospital stay, my heart rate spiked.  The nurse who witnessed the event panicked, called the doctor, and did an EKG, which returned normal.  But that one event gave the enemy a foothold in my life.  Anxiety crept into my soul as I focused my attention on my heart rate by monitoring my Fitbit. 

Eventually, after a self-induced anxiety attack, I prayed to the Lord and asked Him to remove the anxiety because it continued to grow.  That very afternoon, I lost my Fitbit; recognizing it as a sign from God as the snare that had entrapped me, I didn’t replace it. And the devil lost his foothold as Christ gave me victory over my anxiety.

When we trust Him, God delivers us from the Fowler’s snare. The Lord protects us from the enemy’s ploys, not allowing the devil to get a foothold.  Ask God for deliverance, and He will show You the way out.


God delivers us from the Fowler’s trap.


Lord, thank You for delivering us from the ploys of the enemy.  Please help us not let him get a foothold in our lives.  Search our hearts and cleanse us from within our souls so that we can serve You with our whole being.


My Refuge and My Fortress

One-minute read.

I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”

Psalm 91:2

When storm winds blow, we must find refuge. A world filled with pain and heartache gives us many options. People turn to many things to find comfort: alcohol, drugs, work, exercise, shopping—an endless list of worldly things that won’t fill the void created by heartache. Only the Lord offers a fortress to help you find peace amid turmoil, but we must turn to Him to find it.

Ron and I took a bike ride around Jamestown Island outside Williamsburg during our dating days. A storm came upon us, and we had to find shelter; seeing no other option, we stood under a tree and got soaked. Once the rain stopped, we continued our ride, and to our surprise, we found a shelter just around the corner, out of sight from our place of refuge. If we had gone further, we could have stayed dry and found refuge from the storm.

To find refuge, we must seek the Lord. Persevering in the faith means we trust God’s plan and stand firm in His fortress, knowing He will protect us from the prevailing winds of turmoil. But we must seek the Lord, taking the steps necessary to draw close to Him.  If we don’t, we shelter under the wrong tree, getting soaked by the storm. Only the Lord can provide us refuge and a fortress that will stand the test of time, keeping us safe as the hurricane blows around us.


God provides refuge and a fortress for us when we seek Him.


Lord, thank You for giving us a place to go when life overwhelms us. Please help us always take the necessary steps to seek You in our time of need. Let us not fall prey to the world when our hearts ache, and we need rest.


Shadow of the Almighty

One-minute read.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

Psalm 91:1

Dwelling in God’s presence gives us hospitality and protection. Psalm 91 has become known as the Soldier’s Psalm. During WWII, a U.S. Army’s 91st Infantry Division commander printed the Psalm on cards and handed them to his soldiers to carry into battle.[1]  At the same time, Jimmy Stewart, a beloved actor from “It’s a Wonderful Life,” enlisted in the U.S. Army Corps. His father sent Jimmy a letter with the Psalm enclosed to carry with him. The verses, found posted in lockers and pockets of soldiers, strengthen those giving their lives for the United States even today.

“It’s going to be those things that we hide in our heart that sustain us, keep us, and give us the hope that comes in knowing Christ.”

Dawn, military wife and mother, testifying to the power of Psalm 91[2]

As a young military wife, Dawn discovered Psalm 91 and felt compelled to teach it to her children as her husband served his country. Later, when her son followed in his father’s footsteps, he served in Iraq. On patrol, bombs started falling around his squad; finding shelter in a bunker, Dawn’s son remembered the words his mother taught him as a child and began speaking them out loud. Miraculously, the entire group survived the bombing, and their faith in God’s protection grew.

God shelters us in His shadow, and hiding the Lord’s word in our hearts helps us remember His promises. We can find rest in the Almighty when we turn to Him for protection, abiding in His shadow, and allowing Him to protect us.


We can find rest in God’s shadow


Lord, thank You for protecting us amid our daily battle. Please help us to seek You first in all things, trusting Your guidance and protection as we serve You.  Let us honor and glorify You in all we do.


[1] https://www.museumofthebible.org/book-minute/psalm-91

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEBrfCj1248

Abundant Life

One-minute read.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

John 10:10

Jesus provided salvation for our souls and perfect guidance for our lives. As our Shepherd, He leads us into green pastures, with the fullness of life under His protection. We need not fear because the Lord watches over us, protecting us from harm. In our weakness, His strength prevails. When we doubt, God gives us reason to believe. When we cry out for help, the Almighty hears and answers; we can have complete trust in the Lord.

Our enemy tries to steal us from the Savior, using any ploy necessary to get us to leave the flock. But Jesus won’t let Him.  Leaving the ninety-nine to go after the one, God will save us from the thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. The enemy loses every time; victory comes through the cross, once Jesus’s, always His.

God doesn’t want you to live a miserable life. He wants you to live abundantly in Christ. Accepting the salvation Jesus offers gives you entrance into eternal life and full access to His pasture. The enemy’s attacks will have no power, the darts of his arrows falling to the ground, never reaching their target. The Lord watches over His flock, guiding and directing them to eternity, giving them abundant life in Him.  Seize the moments, trust the Almighty, and enjoy a victorious life, one day at a time.

Journaling Questions:

How has the enemy tried to bring you down?

What can you do today to live more abundantly?

How has salvation through Jesus changed your life?


Lord, thank You for the abundant life You give us through Jesus. Help us live fully in Christ today, enjoying every moment and trusting You.  Don’t let the enemy get any footholds in our lives; defeat his attacks and give us victory in You.  Let us live abundantly today and always.


Rejoice and Be Glad

One-minute read.

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24

God created this day; rejoice and be glad. Every moment has a divine blueprint attached to it. Although days sometimes seem on repeat, doing the same thing day after day, they do vary. When we look at time from a vertical perspective rather than just our horizontal one, we will discover uniqueness and things to rejoice over.

Years ago, before cell phones, I had my landline phone programmed with a self-recorded wake-up call. Each morning, when I answered the ring, I would hear this scripture. My day started with a reminder that today would never happen again, and God had a plan for whatever came my way. My words and actions would help build His kingdom or tear it down. I had a choice in what attitude I had in facing the next 24 hours.

Our words and actions matter. Every interaction we have with someone affects the kingdom. We can choose to build people up or tear them down. With God guiding us, we can seize the moments He gives us and use them to expand His kingdom as we love others for the Savior. God made this day. We can choose how we use it. The more we let Jesus lead, the more we will rejoice and be glad. Seize the moment and live fully in this day, knowing that God made it.

Journaling Questions:

How does knowing God made this day change your attitude?

What can you do to seize the moments God gives you?

How can you make the most of this day?


Lord, thank You for giving us reasons to rejoice and be glad. Help us seize the moments of this day, celebrating You and living fully. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear the opportunities we have to help build Your kingdom as we enjoy the day ahead.


Complete and Equipped

One-minute read.

That the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:17

As followers of Christ, we have a job to do, sharing the good news with others:

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20

The Lord equips us through scripture to help us complete our mission. God-breathed, the writers of the ancient text gained inspiration from the Almighty, teaching and preparing us to meet the demands of discipleship. As we grow and mature, living in the moment and trusting the Lord’s guidance, we’ll help others do the same.

God equips us to love Him and others by giving us the Holy Spirit. Promptings from within our soul help us know what actions to take. Examining our motives and purifying our hearts through confession will help us lead with love and grace. Asking God to help us want what He desires will lead us from temptation, helping us become fully devoted followers of Jesus and lead others on the same path.

As we strive to share Jesus with others, the Lord equips us with the necessary tools. Scripture teaches us that the Holy Spirit guides us, and God gives us what we need when we need it to do His will. Complete and equipped, we can seize the moment and do great things for the Lord.

Journaling Questions:

How do you feel the Lord equipping you today?

Who do you think God wants you to disciple today?

How does scripture help complete and equip you for your mission?


Lord, thank You for completing and equipping us for our mission. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear who You want us to serve today. Let us become fully devoted followers of Jesus and help others do the same.


God’s Instruction

One-minute read.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

Psalm 32:8

God promises to instruct, teach, and counsel us. Throughout scripture, we find the operating manual for life. Putting into practice the commandments of the Lord will guide us on the journey. First, we must submit our lives to God and then obey His instructions, which will grow and mature us as we put our desires aside and live for the Lord.

“Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding, which must be curbed with bit and bridle, or it will not stay near you.”  Psalm 32:9

Years ago, I had a wonderful neighbor with the most obedient Jack Russell Terrier I have ever known. Everywhere he went, the small black and white dog closely followed him, not on a leash, never misbehaving, just quietly walking beside his master, obeying his commands. The Lord wants us to live free of bit and bridle as we follow Him, not leashed to our owner, but following Him with complete trust like the Jack Russell followed his owner.

Jesus paid the price for us on the cross. Belonging to the Lord, He guides us on the journey as we follow Him.  The closer we stay to the Savior, learning from Him and seeking His counsel, the freer we will live. Submit your life to the Lord, obey His commands, and follow Him closely; you will discover life to the fullest in Christ.

Journaling Questions:

How has following Jesus changed your life?

What instructions from God do you need to do today?

How can you seek the Lord’s counsel for your current struggles?


Lord, thank You for guiding and directing our lives and helping us live fully in You.  As we try to implement Your teachings into our lives, bless our efforts. Let us hear Your counsel and then do it, finding freedom in Christ.


Blessed in Doing

One-minute read.

But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.

James 1:25

James, Jesus’s half-brother and author of the book, describes a person who listens to the Scriptures and puts them into practice.  Blessings unfold for someone who studies God’s word day and night and then does it.  Regarding the “perfect law,” James means the Lord’s revealed truth through Jesus. Giving our lives to Christ freely, we accept His gift of grace and mercy, finding new life, free from the law.

Jesus lived a perfect life, loving God and others.  As His followers, the Lord desires us to become more like Christ with every day that passes.  Only by reading and studying the scriptures can we develop a transformational relationship with Jesus.  To become like Him, we must know Him.  As our Teacher, Jesus leads by example. The more we study the Lord’s life, the better we can mimic Him.  We can’t do what we don’t know.  And once we know, we must do it.  When we put into practice what we learn, God will bless our efforts.

Not until we do what God’s word says will we experience the blessing that comes with it.  Faith steps draw us closer to the Creator as we allow Him to transform our lives.  Each day, when we seek the Lord, He gives us tasks.  Fulfilling our purpose happens one act at a time as we do what Jesus did, becoming more like Him and receiving His blessing.

Journaling Questions:

What does God want you to do today?

What keeps you from doing what God wants you to do?

How can you become more like Jesus today?


Lord, thank You for giving us Your word to help us become more like Jesus.  As we take steps of faith and try to mimic the Savior, bless our efforts.  Spur us onward with Your blessings as we pursue You.


Have Hope

One-minute read.

For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.

Romans 15:4

Referencing Psalm 69, Paul refers to the Scripture as useful for instruction. Gentiles knew the Old Testament before hearing the Gospel and put their faith in Jesus. The reference from the Psalm regarded the early church as messianic, and it meant to encourage believers on their journey. God’s word helps inspire us and gives us the tools we need to persevere on the journey, which provides us with hope.

We have the Old and New Testaments to instruct and encourage us. Paul didn’t know when he wrote his letter to the Romans how God would use it. Thousands of years later, his words help us find hope and give us instructions on how to develop a relationship with Jesus that transforms our lives and helps us fulfill our destiny. None of us know how the Lord will use our efforts to spur on His followers. But we know that God uses all things for the good of those who believe and trust in Him.

Turn to the Scriptures to find hope. Read about the ordinary people who did extraordinary things for the Lord. Historical acts of faith, written in the Bible, give us hope for what God will do in our lives. The Lord used sinners to write the bestselling book of all time, transforming their lives as they placed their faith in Him, obeyed His commands, and fulfilled their life purpose. God does the same for us when we give our lives to Him, transforming us into new creations.

Journaling Questions:

What Bible character gives you hope and inspires you?

How can reading the scriptures give you hope?

What book of the Bible has changed your life more than any other?


Lord, thank You for giving us written words to encourage, instruct, and provide us with hope. Help us to read them often, applying Your commands to our lives and letting You transform us as we follow You.  Bless our efforts as we give You our best efforts.